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Culture assessment

Do you know how your team feels about your culture? Gather their thoughts, perspectives, and insights so that you can keep it thriving.

This is a screenshot of the culture assessment template

Culture is a collective effort

In the making of our inaugural magazine, VIBE: human-generated culture, we uncovered that culture cannot be created per se. It emerges naturally from the moment an organization is founded. And with stellar leadership and a great vision, you can build a solid foundation.   

Your culture will continuously evolve from there through everyday human interactions and experiences. This is key when digging introspectively into your own culture. 

Why it’s important to measure organizational culture

If you’re looking to maintain or curate a winning culture, you need to deeply understand where it currently stands. There is no better way to figure this out than by collecting insights from the people who live, breathe, and contribute to your culture every day.  

How does your team define your culture? What do they love about it? What can make it even better? This template will bring clarity to each of these questions. 

By assessing employees’ perceptions of your culture and their views on what can be improved, you’ll be able to fix the gaps in your employee experience. The result will be something you and your team will be proud of because you curated it together. 

When to send a culture survey

Getting a pulse on your culture and having conversations about it are important all year round. A culture survey is a perfect outlet for employees to speak openly and honestly about their experience at your company, what works wonders, and what needs a little love. 

You can conduct this survey on a quarterly basis, but it’s also useful to schedule it around specific or major events. For example: 

  • After an important team or company gathering 
  • When engagement levels take a significant dip… 
  • …and also when they are especially high 
  • During a period of high-growth and rapid hiring 
  • Before and after a major business change or restructuring (ex: a merger or acquisition) 

To get a holistic view of your culture, it’s key to measure it through good times, challenging periods, and everything in between. Having the reflex to fix things when times are tough is normal — and necessary. But uncovering the hidden reasons behind successful culture moments is a great way to be proactive. 

Ask the right questions

Asking questions about culture can seem simple, but it’s easy to skip over topics that can bring actionable insights. That’s why we built this template. Inspired by our VIBE magazine, it includes 8 culture questions carefully crafted by our in-house HR and employee experience experts.  

Try it for yourself and see what your team has to say about your culture! 

Additional resources

VIBE magazine: human-generated culture

From flawed to flawless: 5 steps to leading distributed teams

How and why to create your team’s core values




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