How does Officevibe work,
Having a great team vibe goes way beyond happiness at work and cool perks – and we’re here to break it down for you.
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Let’s start with a recap
Officevibe is an online platform that offers managers an Employee experience solution to build better relationships with their people and create the conditions for great work.
Our tools are built by experts and backed by data so managers can create positive change for their team in a safe, honest, environment.
The Officevibe basics
How Officevibe delivers on lasting engagement, recognition and alignment and puts managers at the center of their team’s performance.
Water-tight anonymity
Officevibe is designed to spark meaningful conversations by making employees feel they can be honest with their managers – and that’s why protecting their identity is so important. With always-on anonymity, Officevibe will always give users the choice to submit direct feedback about whatever they want.
Designed by experts
We partnered with Deloitte’s human capital experts to test the scientific validity of our survey model and partnered with neuroscientists who outlined the best ways to build relationships, discuss work and articulate difficult topics.
Your strategic looking-glass
Take the guesswork out of the equation and see the whole picture from the inside-out with weekly surveys that are aggregated and then converted into scores. These scores allow for data-informed decisions that enable risk management and performance optimization for both managers and executives.
Essential and effective
Officevibe makes work simpler, kinder, faster. We designed it to take work off your plate, not add to it. It’s intuitive by design, which make it easy to implement and use every day, while fostering transparency, accountability and collaboration.
Calculate your future wins
how much can officevibe save you?
It pays to invest in employee experience
Measure the return on employee experience. Answer three quick questions to discover how your company can save.
Explore our key features
One-on-one meetings
Master one-on-ones with our complete, easy-to-use tool
Good Vibes recognition
Give your people a simple, human way to recognize each other
Anonymous Feedback
Automate and organize how you collect anonymous feedback
Employee Pulse Surveys
Ask the right questions to measure employee engagement
Officevibe helps you explore the many ways you can engage, bringing insights into action.
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Resources to empower your team
Take your first steps with Officevibe
Read our blog for valuable insights
Discover our Officevibe
Why use Officevibe?
A study by Gallup shows that 75% of workers display low engagement or leave their jobs as a direct result of their manager or leadership. Gallup also reports that engaged teams are 21% more productive than disengaged teams.
Officevibe helps managers build better relationships with their people and create the conditions for great work. Our platform focuses on helping managers uncover the challenges to tackle and the strengths to lean on to step up their game as a team while offering their employees the support that will really help them thrive.
Is Officevibe anonymous?
Yes! Officevibe takes anonymity very seriously and gives every user (regardless of rank or role) the choice to submit direct anonymous feedback. This creates a safe, easy way for employees to share important details of their reality – both big and small.
How does Officevibe measure employee engagement
Officevibe helps you measure what we call the 10 Key Metrics of Engagement which are endorsed by globally renowned thought leaders Deloitte, Gallup, Aon, and more. Officevibe will send different questions to different employees in order to calculate the scores at an individual level, and provide an in-depth understanding of your team’s performance. Each Metric contains a set of Sub-metrics, ensuring the most accurate view of your data.
How long does it take to fill out an Officevibe survey?
Pulse Surveys are often between 5-15 questions. The smart algorithm ensures questions are different each week and all metrics are covered regularly. This keeps surveys relevant, improves accuracy of results, boosts your response rate, and avoids survey fatigue.
How do I interpret Officevibe data?
Officevibe helps Managers understand how their Teams are performing, by providing in-depth and visual reports for overall Engagement scores, Pulse Surveys and Employee feedback so managers can identify trends and compare scores and variations over time. Share and discuss your interpretations with the team and involve them in the action planning to build trust and empower them!
Officevibe is inexpensive, simple to start, and easy to use. Your team will thank you for it.
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