Fine-tuned and powerful reports that lead to action

Never face another important people decision without data. Rely on accurate and easy-to-use data from across your organization and even outside it.

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Survey report showing a drop in the Relationship with manager metric, and actions Officevibe suggests to improve that score.
Survey report showing a drop in the Relationship with manager metric, and actions Officevibe suggests to improve that score.

See and do more with insights that matter

Maximize context

Never face another important decision about your people without data. Rely on accurate and easy-to-use insights from your organization and benchmark with your industry.

Insights for all

Deliver insights straight to the hands of all your people. With reports made for sharing, everyone can lead the way to a better experience for all.

Your central record of EX

Get a true sense of your organization’s vibe with a single source to look back in time. That way, you’ll never lose touch with that special something.

Breakdown experience silos

Comparison report

No team gets left behind. Easily see where your teams’ experience is alike and where they are different so you can be sure where you can make the most impact. Plus, don’t just compare across teams β€” with industry benchmarks, you can also compare with the market!

All feedback counts

Feedback report

Never let employee feedback go unanswered again. Track feedback response rates across your teams and organization and make sure every employee feels their voice is heard.

Suggested actions for giving meaningful recognition and improving the Recognition metric in Officevibe.

It’s easy to be proactive

Suggested actions

Act on insights with suggested actions available in-app and on-demand. It’s an easy way to help you boost engagement metrics like relationship with your team, recognition, wellness, and more!

Meeting participation counts

1-on-1s report

Don’t have a way to tell if all of your teams can make time for their all-important 1-on-1 meetings? Now you do!

Our employee experience reporting tools help you…

Deliver impactful initiatives

Every new initiative is a guaranteed learning experience with robust analytics that cover the critical moments of the employee experience.

Improve retention

Compare your eNPS across teams and across your industry and stake your claim as an irresistible organization!

Navigate change

Not only can you keep all your employee experience data in the same place, but you can also watch it develop over time. Keep an eye on your baseline and surpass it!

Use data-rich dashboards and insights to inform your response and take action where needed.

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