Turning Employee Engagement into Customer Success

Success Story


Mario Stojanovski is a manager of Customer Support at Nintex.

Manager in a meeting with his team

Nintex is the world’s leading provider of automated workflow solutions. From Amazon to Walmart and Coca-Cola, they power thousands of everyday business processes for the biggest companies worldwide.

Location Worldwide

Company size 535

Industry Computer software

Mario’s team rates their Relationship with their Manager at a staggering 9.4/10, up from 8.7 just 12 months ago – an incredible rise that demonstrates Mario’s ability to make genuine connections with his people, while bringing his team closer to each other and to their organization.

His biggest challenge

Mario Stojanovski says he’s always discussing new ways to improve Officevibe metrics with his team – and his scores show their initiatives work. So, when it comes to hiring, he’s looking to match a candidate to a team at the top of its game – both in terms of work and working together.

“You really want to make sure that you’ve got the right team,” says Mario – and he doesn’t simply mean the right skillset. Team fit is just as important, which is why hiring is such a challenge.

Portrait of Mario Stojanovski, Manager of Customer Support at Nintex
Mario Stojanovski, Manager of Customer Support at Nintex

“We’re open with each other by being open about what Officevibe shows us. We all know where we’re at and can work on continuing to improve together.”

So open, in fact, that Mario’s team’s Relationship with Peers score has gone from 7.4 to 8.3/10 in the last 12 months.

But is Officevibe really anonymous?

Mario says there was little pushback when bringing Officevibe to his team of nine – except for one question: is the platform really anonymous?

“It is,” he confirms. “And now, if somebody has something that needs to be said, they leave us their feedback, no matter the comment. Whether it’s positive or negative, we always respond and acknowledge it, so people are encouraged to reach out.”

Managers company-wide at Nintex are encouraged to do just that – and it’s resulted in better feedback across the organization as a whole. Mario’s team is a perfect example of this organization-wide drive for feedback, with a Feedback metric rising from 7.7 to 8.1/10 in the last year alone.

“The anonymous feedback is where the real value lies for my team. The truth is, some people just don’t want to come directly to you to chat about a certain topic, and that’s fine.”

When teams love their organization, it’s easier for customers to love it, too

“Our customers are our promoters,” says Mario. “They’re the ones who are going to promote our products and company to their friends, families, and colleagues.”

That’s one of the reasons having a happy team is so important to him: it ensures they’re in the best frame of mind to provide a great experience for clients. When teams are promoters, it’s easier for clients to become promoters, too.

“It’s in our DNA as a customer success department to care deeply and do everything we can to make sure that the customer’s happy. As a manager, I do my best to take the same approach with my team. If I do my job well, employees become promoters of our company, and that makes it easier to find quality hires.”

Tackling low scores

When they started using Officevibe, Nintex’s Recognition score was low overall. Based on the score and some of the feedback they received, they realized they could be doing more. The management team discussed ways to address it as a company.

“We started publicly recognizing individuals who had gone above and beyond with a spot award. At the team level, we’ve also started recognizing individuals by giving them a chance to go work in one of our other offices around the world for a period of time.”

The result?

His team loves it. “It’s a great motivator, and honestly a great learning experience for the team. When someone goes, we ask them what we can learn from the team they’re visiting, and they bring methods and strategies back for us to try.”

A look at Mario's team highest Officevibe metrics

A change on the inside…

Officevibe has helped Mario make sure his team members are always talking to each other.

“There’s more engagement within the team; more interaction in general. And part of that is Officevibe, and the fact that we’re discussing more topics that tie us together in a new way.”

…An impact at every level of the business

The feedback that comes from our customer surveys shows we’re succeeding in our mission.

You could say Officevibe creates a similar feeling for me as a manager. Knowing my team is engaged and healthy, or seeing an initiative we put in place responded to positively, gives me that same boost every week.

Mario’s takeaways

  • Officevibe helps solidify team identity and collaboration, making it easier to find the right fit when hiring;
  • Anonymity leads to some of Mario’s best Officevibe insights;
  • Responding to feedback consistently encourages employees to come forward time and again;
  • Taking action on issues raised by Officevibe creates measurable improvement;
  • A team that loves its organization, loves its customers.

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